
 电子束和样品相互作用产生可见光,其中发散的具有特征波长的光子就是阴极荧光(CL)。CL 是一种强大的结构和成分分析技术,可以反映 SE,BSE 或 EDS 无法获得的有效信息。这些信息包括区域组成、晶格结构、应变积累或结构损伤。与光学 CL 显微镜相比,基于 CL 的 SEM 成像可以达到更高的分辨率。


TESCAN CL 具有出众的灵敏度,即使在低加速电压下也可以获得高信噪比,可以清晰地呈现出样品的显微结构。此外,信号采集的效率在整个视场范围内是稳定均一的。TESCAN 超大视野光路技术,可以收集宽达 35 mm 视场的信号,且图像边缘的信号毫无减弱。

全色 CL 探测器:

TESCAN 研发了两款全色探测器,可以探测不同波长范围可见光:
  • 350 nm ~ 650 nm ,可以探测可见光和近紫外光。该款探测器可独立使用,也可和 BSE 探测器交换使用。
  • 185 nm ~ 850 nm ,可以探测紫外线、可见光和近红外光谱。

彩色 CL 探测器

彩色 CL 探测器可以在 350 ~ 850 nm 的光谱范围内同时进行全色和彩色 CL 成像。CL 信号分成红色、绿色和蓝色三个波段,这些信号可同时获得,再电子合成为扫描区域的实时彩色图像。


TESCAN 公司的所有 CL 探测器由电镜软件控制,在不工作时,CL 探测器可以自动从其工作位置退回。

CL Detector


Cathodoluminescence analysis of zircons
Zircons (ZrSiO4) are ubiquitous in the crust of Earth and are a common accessory to trace mineral constituent of most granite and felsic igneous rocks. Zircons have low solubility in most melt and fluid compositions and can survive geological processes such as erosion, transport, or high-grade metamorphism. This makes zircon one of the most important minerals for geochronology. Different types of zircon domains are identified by CL imaging and U-Pb dating is then used to determine ages of different zones within the crystal. This helps to recognize various geological processes recorded during the history of the grain.
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Cathodoluminescence imaging of mineralogical samples
Cathodoluminescence (CL) - light emission produced by electron beam - reveals information about material composition and structure that often cannot be obtained by other methods. In geosciences, optical cathodoluminescence became a standard technique. With the development of scanning electron microscopes, SEM-CL is gaining in popularity. In comparison with optical CL microscopes, where the sample is irradiated with stationary unfocussed electron beam, SEM-based CL imaging achieves much better resolution and it can be combined in situ with other analytical methods.
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