
所有 TESCAN FIB-SEM 系统都可以配备气体注入系统(GIS),这也是大多数 FIB 应用的基本组成部分。

气体注入系统提供了截面和 TEM 样品制备时用于沉积保护的 Pt、W 和 C ,Pt、W 和 SiO2 沉积可用于电路修补,XeF2可用于提高 Si 的切割速率。它也使得气体辅助 IC 刻蚀成为可能。GIS 可以提供其它特殊前驱气体,以增强和优化某些材料的铣削应用,或使选择性蚀刻成为可能。


  • 在截面和 TEM 样品制备过程中沉积保护层以减少 FIB 切割过程中的荷电效应:SiOX
  • 加速切割过程:XeF2加快 Si 的切割、H2O 加快含碳材料的切割
  • 减少一些应用中的帘幕效应
  • 纳米图形和互补光刻技术
  • 用于多层样品切割的增强或选择性蚀刻:Si, SiO2, Si3N4
  • 先进芯片中的自顶向下垂直去层是另一个重要的应用,它是由 Xe 等离子体 FIB 和气体辅助刻蚀的结合实现的。

所有 TESCAN FIB-SEM 系统都可以选配以下 GIS:
  • 5 路 GIS:5 路独立气体
  • 单通道 GIS:单一气体



XeF2 injection for Ultrafast Large-area Polishing Using Xe Plasma FIB
TESCAN FERA3 is a Focused Ion Beam –Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) with a fully integrated xenon plasma ion source. The Xe plasma ion source enables high current ion beams which on one hand, allows for extremely high milling rates - ideal for removing large volumes of material. This is a valuable quality for many technological applications in different areas such as the semiconductor industry. On the other hand, milling at high current ion beams can cause in some cases surface artifacts. One method for dealing with this situation is to use an optimised FIB scanning strategy in combination with the novel TESCAN Rocking Stage. The Rocking stage allows for tilting the sample during the milling process so that the direction of the ion beam can be changed, a strategy which has been proven to be effective for reducing curtaining effects on the milled surfaces. Alternatively, another promising way for removing surface artifacs has been found. It consists of injecting xenon difluoride (XeF2) precursor –by using a Gas Injection System (GIS) - during the FIB polishing process. The goal of this application note is to present and discuss the results of the application of this technique on different materials.
pdf – 1.6 MB