
当样品中含有绝缘材料时,可以使用电荷中和枪提供低能量电子,中和在 FIB 铣削过程中产生的荷电。

电荷中和枪提供稳定的、均匀的低能量电子束流,这使其成为在 FIB 成像和加工过程中对高绝缘材料进行有效电荷中和的理想工具。
即使 TESCAN Xe 等离子双束电镜(FERA3 和 XEIA3)实现了2 μA 的高束流,电荷中和枪也可以提供足够的电荷补偿。 

电荷中和枪完全集成到任何 TESCAN FIB-SEM 系统中,并由装在主显微镜软件中的 Flood Gun 软件模块控制。


FIB milling of non-conductive samples
Using FIB on non-conductive samples is a challenging task, because of charging. The charging can affect the beam positioning in an unexpected way. On some materials a periodical drift correction is sufficient, on others, some kind of charge compensation has to be used. The electron beam from the SEM or an electron flood gun are used as an effective charge compensation tool.
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