
  • 专用的 EasySEM EasyEDX 软件使 TESCAN 电镜系统成为易于使用的常规质量管理设备。
  • 现在,许多研究工作致力于开发超微或者纳米级的药物载体,以利于药物的控释和靶向性配送。
  • 这些药物大部分基于高分子化学物质,对电子束十分敏感。
  • 为了解决这些问题,TESCAN设计开发了 MAIA3 超高分辨场发射扫描电镜,能够提供低加速电压下的最高分辨成像能力。
  • 使用低真空 UniVac 模式,研究者可以直接观察不能用常规方法制备的样品,或不能进行镀膜处理的非导电性样品。
  • 此外,使用 Peltier 冷台和水汽注入系统,研究者可以监测物质结晶或溶解的动态过程。


Low temperature scanning electron microscopy for Life Sciences
Low temperature scanning electron microscopy (Cryo-SEM) has become an established technique for capturing and observing biological samples close to their natural state. It is a method of choice, where the traditional sample preparation (e.g. critical point drying) causes unwanted changes in the sample structure. A Cryo-SEM workflow typically involves sample fixation using either flash-freezing in a liquid nitrogen slush or high-pressure freezing. The frozen samples are then transferred under vacuum to a cryo sputter coater, where they are coated with a conductive layer of metals or carbon. Finally, the samples are inserted into a SEM chamber equipped with a cryo-stage and observed in high vacuum environment.
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